
Below are some helpful resources for getting started on creating a radio show or podcast of your own!

Helpful Websites for Audio & Video


Anchor is a free and easy way to make a podcast, now brought to you by Spotify. It features built-in uploading, recording, and editing tools so you can easily create and publish episodes.

You can create your podcast, host it online, distribute it to your favorite listening platforms, grow your audience, and monetize your episodes—all from your phone or tablet.

OBS (Open Broadcast Software)

OBS is a free and open-source software for video recording and live streaming to your favorite platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook Live.


Audacity is a free, open-source audio editor and recorder for Windows, macOS, and other operating systems. It is easy to use and enables multi-track recording and editing, along with multiple effects.

Online Tutorials

Here is a video from LaGuardia Community College’s SkillBuilder Workshop of May 5th, 2022: How to Craft Podcasts for the Classroom. In this hour-long recording, you’ll hear some best practices and tips for crafting a great podcast from our very own Station Director!

Podcast Planning Materials

Podcast Proposal

Here is our proposal template for the radio station. Before producing any podcast or radio show, we ask that you fill it out, answering all questions completely.

Sample Storyboard

A storyboard is a visual representation of a podcast sequence that breaks down the content and its effects into individual panels. It’s always recommended to use one as you begin to conceptualize your podcast or radio show.